
Centre of Human Resources of Pilsen region provides personnel and other services with a vision of long-term satisfied employers and employees. Provided services are complex and have the character of a non-profit setting of our company.

What can we help you with?

  • Finding a suitable candidate/filling a job vacancy
  • Initial training for new employees and orientation in the region for foreigners
  • Interpreting at offices
  • Help with finding accomodation for employees and their families
  • Provision of basic medical care, kindergarten, elementary school, secondary vocational school and secondary school
  • Arranging a suitable language course
  • Company at offices, help with filling in the forms at the offices, schools, doctors
  • Unifying families

Social area

  • Helping the companies to find suitable candidates
  • Help with accomodating candidates
  • Help during unifying family (finding a suitable job,  corresponding accomodation for a family)
  • Help when providing basic medical care, elementary school, kindergarten, etc.
  • Help with orientation in pension and health insurance

Legal and legislative area

  • Assistance in obtaining residence permit for foreigners and their families
  • Assistence in obtaining work permit
  • Advice for employment or rental contracts
  • Help with problem solving at work
  • Advice on resolving personal situations (debts, divorces, courts, etc.)

Language and educational areas

  • Help with the language barrier in dealing with the authorities
  • Help with filling in the forms
  • Company during negotiations with authorities, doctors, kindergartens, schools, potential employers, employer etc.
  • Assistance in the nostrification of diplomas and other educational documents
  • Assistance in finding language courses
  • Educational seminars for primary and secondary schools, internships for high school and university students

Information areas

  • Providing basic information about the environment
  • Providing information about the Pilsen region, potential employers and  demanded job vacancies
  • Providing information about housing options, transportation, fares, fees, etc.
  • Providing information about leisure activities

Who are the services dedicated to?

1) employers

  • We offer the possibility of cooperation in manufacturing, trade, logistics companies or companies providing services, health or social care.
  • Based on the requirements, we will find a suitable candidate in the region or from abroad.
  • We can help and support you in adapting your employees when relocating from another region of the Czech Republic or from abroad.
  • We will arrange family reunification for your foreign workers.
  • We will help you with adequate accommodation for whole families.
  • We offer help with providing language courses, education for the children of your foreign workers.
  • We are here for you and we will help you stabilize the employment of your company and also of the region.

2) candidates

  • Based on the candidate’s requirements, we will find a suitable employer and a suitable job position.
  • We will help you with adaptation to a new environment.
  • We will arrange for you reuniting of the family with the aim of its full functioning.
  • We will help you with the adecquate accommodation for whole families.
  • We will offer help with arranging language courses, education for you and your children.
  • We are here for you and we will help you find your way quickly and adapt yourself.

We help:

  • Citizens of the Czech Republic
  • EU nationals
  • Third-country nationals (i.e. outside the EU)
  • Having a permanent residence permit (PRP)
  • Having a long-term residence permit (LRP) for the purpose of family reunification with foreigners having PRP or LRP
  • Having a long-term visa
  • Holding a blue card
  • Having an employee card
  • Not having PRP nor LRP, but interested in working in the Czech Republic

Do you need to ask us anything?
Contact us.



1.1 Company of Centre of Human resources of Pilsen Region z.ú., CIN : 08160902, Nerudova 25, 330 01 Pilsen, listed in the register kept by the regional court in Pilsen, department U, amendment 162 („CLZ“), issues these Product conditions for Users („Product conditions“), which adjust the conditions of using the Electronic systems CLZ and related Services to the User.


2.1 The service is provided by the company Centre of the Human Resources of the Pilsen region, z.ú. by means of particular internet website by means of which the Employers, Intermediaries and other persons can publish their job offers and the Users are able to react to the individual job offers.

2.2 The service is provided by the company Centre of Human Resources of Pilsen Region z.ú. for free, if not stated otherwise by the Product conditions.


3.1 Users that are interested in a published job offer may confirm their interest by means of the form available at this website, by filling true and faultless data about their person. Correct inserting of their e-mail address, phone number, user name and surname is necessary for successful delivery of the answer to a published job offer. These services are free.

3.2 The User is subsequently registered by successfully completed reply of a User.

3.3 The User can then cancel his or her registration at any time and for free by means of the request sent by E-mail to the address


4.1 These product conditions are valid and effective from 1. 4. 2020.

Souhlas se zpracováním osobních údajů EN

Chci zvýšit své šance na uplatnění v budoucnu a mám zájem, aby mi společnost Centrum lidských zdrojů Plzeňského kraje z.ú., IČO: 08160902, Nerudova 25, 330 01 Plzeň, poskytla služby usnadňující výběr vhodné pracovní příležitosti a další služby z řad vlastních produktů týkajících se osobního rozvoje, vzdělávání, hodnocení zaměstnavatelů a dalších, které mohou zlepšit mé postavení na trhu práce, zvýšit šance na kvalitní zaměstnání nebo jsou jinak spojené s trhem práce.

Z těchto důvodů souhlasím se zpracováním osobních údajů pro účely evidování mé osoby a použití mých osobních údajů pro zlepšování algoritmů umožňující personalizovanou nabídku a komunikaci. Za tímto účelem společnost posuzuje hlediska, která pomůžou personalizovat obsah nabídek (informace vyplněné v odpovědních formulářích, uvedené v životopisech či získané vyhodnocováním výběrových řízení, kterých se účastním).

Souhlas se zpracováním osobních údajů EN

Souhlasím se zpracováním osobních údajů pro účely evidování mé osoby a nabízení pracovních příležitostí personální agenturou Centrum lidských zdrojů Plzeňského kraje z.ú., IČO: 08160902, Nerudova 25, 330 01 Plzeň.

Souhlas uděluji na dobu 3 roky od udělení souhlasu, příp. do odvolání tohoto souhlasu. Osobní údaje budou zpřístupněny pouze oprávněným zaměstnancům personální agentury a dále zaměstnavatelům, jejichž nabízená pozice odpovídá mnou hledané práci, a to pouze v míře nezbytné pro účely zpracování. Souhlas se zpracováním osobních údajů mohu kdykoliv odvolat.